Iridomyrmex anceps


The tyrant ant

Origin : Australia

Geographical distribution: Mostly north of Australia, but also oceania and southtern Asia

Breeding level: Intermediate

Colony form: monogenous and Polygenous

Colony size: up to 8.000 workers

Size : queen: 6-8 mm, workers: 3-4 mm

Color : brown

Queen lifespan: up to 10 years

Food:  Principally sweet liquids, jellies... but needs proteins too with  fruit flies, little parts of crickets or cockroaches...

Humidity: 40-50%.

Temperature:  24 - 29°C.

Hibernation: Just a rest during winter at ambiant temperature 21/22°c

Nest type:  Wood, Ytong, plaster, 3D printed nests.

The Iridomyrmex Anceps, also known as the Tyrant Ant, is a fascinating species ready to join your ant empire.

Small But Mighty: Don't let their size fool you! These tiny ants pack a powerful punch. Found throughout Southeast Asia, they're particularly abundant in Northern Australia's arid and semi-arid regions.

Abundant and Adaptable: Iridomyrmex Anceps thrive in large numbers, overwhelming prey with sheer force. Queens are prolific egg-layers, ensuring the colony's future. These fast-moving, dark brown ants can even form large colonies with multiple queens.

A Thriving Ecosystem: Similar to most Australian ants, they prefer warm temperatures and low humidity. However, their aggressive scavenging skills make them efficient hunters of dead insects and meat scraps. Just be sure to provide a consistent food supply to keep these tiny tyrants happy!

The Allure of the Challenge: While Iridomyrmex Anceps can be competitive with other ant species in the wild, experienced ant keepers find their fast growth and unique behavior captivating.

Ready to welcome the Iridomyrmex Anceps to your collection? Order a colony today and embark on an unforgettable ant-keeping adventure!