Messor angularis


The red and black african harvester ant

Origin : Tanzania

Geographical distribution: Africa :  Kenya and Tanzania

Breeding level: beginners

Habitat :  Savanna

Colony form: monogenous (only one queen per colony)

Colony size: up to 50.000

Size : queen: 13 - 14mm, workers: 7 to 9mm, major: 10 to 14mm long

Color : Shiny black with red head

Queen lifespan: up to 25 years

Food:  Principally seeds, but also likes from times to times sweet liquids, fruits and little insects. FRESH WATER TROUGH MANDATORY

Humidity: 40-60%.

Temperature:  24 - 28°C.

Hibernation: No

Nest type:  Ytong, plaster, acrylic, 3D printed nests.

Messor angularis are interesting and fascinating ants. They are popular pets due to their relatively easy care requirements and their interesting behavior. Unlike many other messor species, angularis don't hibernate.